Cookie Policy

In order for this site to work as well as possible, it occasionally stores small data files, called cookies, on your device. This is common practice in most major websites.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. Cookies store information about your device usage and usage patterns, including your username, language, font size, and different display settings. The data you have saved should only be provided once, not always separately when visiting the site or browsing pages.

How are cookies used?

Many of our web sites use cookies that store the following information: Your display settings such as contrast and color settings and font size have already responded to the feedback screen asking if the page was useful or not (data is saved in the cookie so that the screen will no longer be displayed again)

Have you approved the use of cookies on the site.

Also, videos on some of our websites use cookies to collect anonymously information about the path chosen from the page and the videos you watch.

Accepting these cookies is not strictly necessary for the operation of the site, but it makes browsing easier. You can remove or block cookies, but some of the site's functionality may not work as intended.

Cookies are not used to identify the identity and the information describing the use of the site is completely in Webmaster Management. Cookies are only used for the purposes described above.

How do you manage cookies?

You can manage and / or delete cookies freely. Instructions can be found at You can delete all cookies on your computer and most browsers can completely block them. Remember, however, that if you reject cookies, you will have to re-configure certain settings each time you return to the site. It may also be that you will not be able to access some services and features on the site.

© Villa Tauro Huvila Härkä 2021